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Top 20 trò chơi dân gian phổ biến dành cho trẻ em phổ biến nhất

Folk games In our country, folk games are extremely diverse and have been passed down through many generations. This is one of the factors that contribute to the richness of our country’s culture. However, in today’s modern life, children are rarely exposed to these types of games. Below, we will suggest 20 folk games to help children connect and be more creative!

Folk games help develop reflexes

First, we will share games in the group that help children develop reflexes. At the same time, increase creativity as well as skills for children to develop comprehensively.

Chi chi, chien, chien

Surely, for the 8x and 9x generations, this is a familiar childhood game. Nowadays, folk games is still passed down from grandparents to their children, especially in rural areas. To teach children to play this game, you first need to gather at least 3 people to sit in a circle. One person opens his hand and the other members put their index fingers on the palm of their hand. Next, all participating members will recite the nursery rhyme “Chi chi chanh chanh, the nail blows the fire…. ù a ù ap”.


When the rhyme ends, those who put their index fingers on their palms must quickly withdraw their hands. If the person who opened their hands catches them, that member loses and becomes the person who opens their hands in the next round. If many people are caught at the same time, they will play rock-paper-scissors. Through this game, children have the opportunity to interact, have fun together and practice their reflexes.

Folk game rock paper scissors

One of Folk games A game that helps increase children’s reflexes is rock-paper-scissors. This game requires 2 people to sit opposite each other, then you should explain the rules of the game to the children. The shapes in the game are as follows: A fist is a hammer or punch, an open hand is a leaf or a piece of paper, the index and middle fingers are scissors, and the index finger is a needle.


And according to the principle, scissors will cut the leaf or needle will tear the leaf, the leaf will cover the hammer, the hammer will hit scissors. When two people sit opposite each other, look at each other and sway to the phrase “Rock, paper, scissors, whatever comes out, comes out this”. At this time, the two people will show the shape they choose and decide the winner or loser according to the above principle.

Frog in the pond

Folk games Frogs in the pond is quite interesting and loved by many children. First, you draw a circle and put the children in it to play the role of frogs. Outside the circle is a child holding a fishing rod as a hunter. When the word starts, the members will sing in unison “Frogs in the pond, the rain has just stopped,…”


When the rhyme ends, the frogs jump out of the circle. The frog hunter has to chase them. If the frog fisherman touches someone on the rope, that person has to take over in the next round.

Blind man’s bluff – an attractive folk game

Before starting the traditional game of blindfolded goat catching, the members need to play rock-paper-scissors. Whoever loses must be blindfolded and the remaining members will be the goats. If it is within the classroom, the members who do not participate will form a circle. The blindfolded children will find the child who is the goat in that circle. When the blindfolded child catches the “goat”, the game ends and the positions are changed.


Folk game of releasing leeches and turtles

If you are looking for folk games If you want to help increase children’s reflexes, don’t miss the game of releasing leeches and turtles. This game is quite interesting and will definitely make children excited. The game of releasing leeches and turtles requires a group of children to stand in a circle, with one child acting as the leech. After completing the formation, all members read the nursery rhyme together: “Release leeches and turtles, don’t force women,… that family will have to suffer”.

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While reciting the rhyme, the child who acts as the leech will go around and point to each child, each person will correspond to a word. The child who stops at the last word must be the other child who has to run quickly to the sides. If a child is attached to the leech, the child will change position and continue the game.

bunch of buds

Folk games The cluster of buds requires a group of children to participate. In it, everyone must hold hands and stack them on top of each other so that they are not too close together. Next, all members sing loudly the nursery rhyme “Chùm lồm chồng neo, tay tí tay tiên,… it shit tay nay”.


Each word in the nursery rhyme corresponds to a fist until the end. At this point, the person who first places their hand must pull their hand out or cut across the fist of the person pointing. Thus, the person being pointed at will take the place of the singer and hold the hand.

Folk game of scissors and saw

For this folk game, only two people need to sit facing each other. The two people stretch and put their legs on top of each other, and hold hands tightly. The game starts when the two people are ready and sing the nursery rhyme “saw pull, donkey split,… back to suckle mother”. With each beat, the two people will pull/push their hands towards themselves or the opponent. The last person holding the hand towards themselves wins and ends the game.


Cast the coconut tree, leave the thin tree

For folk games Now, arrange the children in a circle and sit on the floor with their legs stretched out in front of them. The first person will count the passes, and each member will take turns reciting the song “Casting the coconut tree, leaving the thin one, the red bottle gourd tree, the squash tree,… clumps of straw piled up to make this leg”.


At this point, whoever has the last leg in the rhyme quickly retracts it. Then the game continues and whoever is the first to retract both legs wins. The person whose leg is still intact at the end of the game loses.

Train folk games

The traditional train game is simple but quite interesting for children. First, arrange the children in a line of about 10 people or more. The first person raises his hand forward, the members behind put their shoulders on each other to form a train. When the command “train goes uphill”, the members of the train run slowly on the toes. When the command “train goes downhill”, the members of the train run slowly on the heels.


Counting stars

Folk games Counting stars has gentle content to help children develop reflexes and become more articulate. First, gather the children to sit in a circle on the floor and one child stands outside. Next, everyone sings the song “One bright star, two bright stars, …. up to 10 bright stars”.


For each word in the song, the children standing outside the circle tap each person on the shoulder. Whoever gets the last word must sing the song smoothly. If they stop or sing it wrong, they are punished and the game starts again.

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Folk games promote solidarity

Via Folk games It also helps children to increase their collective spirit and get along with everyone. This is a good skill and foundation that will help children in the future.

Land yacht racing

The land boat racing game is organized as follows:

  • Divide children into small groups of 7 to 8 people.
  • Have children sit in parallel rows, with the child behind wrapping their legs around the belly of the person in front.
  • When shouting the slogan, all boats will have to use their hands to push themselves down on the ground and lift themselves up to move to the finish line.
  • This game requires members to stick together.
  • Any boat that finishes late or is broken up loses.


Folk game of flying birds and flying storks

The folk game “Birds and Storks Fly” requires a group of children to stand in a circle and have a game leader. Next, the game leader says “birds and storks fly” then spreads his arms and jumps up. The other members also shout and make the same movements as the game leader. However, they only jump up for animals that can fly such as birds, storks, etc. For objects that cannot fly such as trees, tables, chairs, etc., they will not jump up. If any child jumps up on objects that cannot fly, they will be punished.


Snake dragon on the cloud

Next, one folk games You can organize for children to experience the game of dragon and snake going up to the clouds. This game requires a small group of 6-7 people, including a host sitting in front. The remaining friends will line up and hold the shirt of the person in front and walk around the yard. While walking, everyone reads aloud together “Dragon and snake going up to the clouds, there are shaking trees, there are houses to check the troops…”


At the end of the nursery rhyme, the first person will stop in front of the host and wait for a response. If the host does not ask, they will continue to walk around the yard. If the host asks: “Give me the head” – the members will answer: “All bones and bones”. If the host continues to ask: “Give me the middle” – the members will say: “Nothing delicious”. If the host asks: “Give me the tail” – the members will answer: “If you can chase it away, you can eat it”.

At this time, the host will chase the last person in line. The leader’s task is to spread his arms to block the host, the other members dodge flexibly so that the last person is not caught. If the last person is caught, he will take the host’s place and play a new game.

Capture the flag

Capture the flag is one of the folk games is loved by many children. The rules of the game Capture the Flag are as follows: Divide the children into 2 teams corresponding to each number. Next, draw a starting line, a finish line and a circle for the flag. When the game master calls out a number, the member with that number will have to run really fast to capture the flag and bring it back.

Crocodile on shore – interesting folk game

This folk game only requires 3 to 4 children. First, you need to play rock-paper-scissors to see who plays the crocodile, the rest are humans. Next, you draw a dividing line on the shore, underwater – the crocodile’s area. The crocodile’s goal is to catch the player who trespasses or touches the water. If the crocodile catches the person, that person will take his place and continue playing.

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Let the dog go

Letting the dog loose is one of the folk games to give children more spirit of solidarity and connection between members. The rules of the game of releasing the dog will have 1 person as the host, 1 person as the dog, the remaining children as rabbits. The host’s task is to turn his right hand up and the children standing around put their left fingers up.


To start the game, everyone sings in unison the song “Ve ve chum chum, ca bong lan lua,… oa a u ich”. As soon as the last sentence is finished, everyone takes the initiative to pull their hands back or else the boss will grab them. If the boss grabs anyone’s hand, they will play the role of the dog. Next, the boss’s task is to describe an object for the rabbit to run out and touch, and at the same time the dog will appear. Therefore, the rabbit needs to touch the object quickly and then turn back to touch the boss. If the rabbit meets the dog, it must bend over, with its arms crossed behind it to avoid being caught. If the rabbit stands up and runs back and is chased by the dog, it will switch roles.

Cat chases mouse

Folk games Cat and mouse is a popular game in extracurricular and physical education classes in preschools and primary schools. This game requires one person to be the cat, one person to be the mouse, and the other members to stand in a circle. First, the cat and mouse stand with their backs to each other, and when the slogan is given, the cat will turn around and chase the mouse.


Folk games help children increase physical activity

Next, we will introduce games to help children exercise and improve their physical strength. The way these games are organized is also very simple and makes children enjoy them.

Sack Jumping

The traditional game of sack jumping is also loved by many children. Depending on the number of children participating, they are divided into appropriate teams. To organize this game, it is necessary to prepare a large, sturdy sack to ensure that it does not tear during play. Then, each member steps into the sack, holds the mouth tightly and jumps forward. This continues until the team that finishes first wins.


Tug of war folk game

Tug of war is a folk game often held during festivals and popular sports competitions. To play tug of war, you need to divide into 2 teams, each team has about 8-10 people. Then, each team will hold one side of the rope with the center point marked. The two teams will use their strength to pull towards themselves, if any team pulls the rope past their line, they win.


Walk slowly

Finally, one of the folk games for children is dung dang dung de. Draw circles on the ground so that the number of circles is less than the number of players. Next, the children will hold each other’s tails and walk through the circles and recite the nursery rhyme dung dang dung de,… At the last sentence, each person must quickly sit down in the circle. The person who cannot find a circle to sit down will lose.



So, we have introduced 20 folk games popular for children. Organizing folk games for children to play helps to bond between members as well as practice reflexes. Follow the fanpage Hoang Ha Mobile to always update interesting and attractive information!


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