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Tên Liên Quân đẹp: 1000 kí tự đặc biệt

A beautiful Lien Quan name not only impresses other players in the game but also shows your creativity, personality and personal mark. To create a good and unique Lien Quan name, gamers usually combine many letters, numbers and special characters.

In today’s article, let’s explore 1000 special Lien Quan characters with Hoang Ha Mobile as well as suggested beautiful Lien Quan names for you!

Collection of 1000 special characters of Lien Quan

Before looking at the beautiful Lien Quan names suggested by Hoang Ha Mobile, below are special characters that you can use to combine and create a great name for yourself.

Special letter characters to create beautiful Lien Quan names

One of the components in the name of Lien Quan that gamers often choose is the letter character. With different, new and interesting ways of expression, it is definitely a useful suggestion for you to refer to and add to your Lien Quan name:

  • Letter A: à á ã á a â ă ă ă ă ă ă ă ă ă ă ă ă ā å ä æ
  • Letter B: ß
  • Letter C: ĉ ç č
  • Letter D: ð đ
  • Letter E: é è ê è ẹ ê ê ế ế ế ē ĕ ė ę ě ë
  • Letter F: ƒ
  • Letter G: ĝ ğ
  • Letter H: ӊ ң ӈ ҥ њ ԋ п ҧ
  • Letter I: í ĭ ï ị ĩ î ì ỉ ī
  • Letter K: к қ ӄ ҡ ҟ ҝ k
  • Letter L: Ł
  • Letter M: м ӎ m
  • Letter N: ń ň ŋ ñ Ñ
  • Letter O: ò ọ ọ ọ ô ô ố ô ố ơ ố ư ố ố ố ố ố ố ố ố ố ố ō ŏ õ ö ő
  • Letter P: ῤ ῥ р ҏ
  • Letter R: ŕ ř
  • Letter S: ś ŝ š
  • Letter T: ԏ ҭ
  • Letter U: ù ú ù ũ ư ử ư ư ù ū ŭ ű ü ů û
  • Letter V: ὐ ὔ ὒ ὖ ὑ ὕ ὓ ὗ ύ ὺ ῦ ϋ ὠ ὤ ὢ ὦ ὡ ὥ ὣ ὧ ώ ὼ ῶ
  • Letter W: ѡ ѿ
  • Letter Z: Ž
  • Letter X: ж җ ф х ҳ
  • Letter Y: meaning ý ý ý ŷ ÿ Ÿ

Unique birth year characters in the game Lien Quan

When playing the game, not only try to practice skills, actively participate in Rank climbing matches, but also find a name for your character is very important. You can completely add your year of birth by adding the unique year of birth characters below. Surely you will have a beautiful Lien Quan name that everyone admires:

  • 2004: ²⁰⁰⁴ ²ᵏ⁴ ₂₀₀₄ ₂ₖ₄
  • 2003: ²⁰⁰³ ²ᵏ³ ₂₀₀₃ ₂ₖ₃
  • 2002: ²⁰⁰² ²ᵏ² ₂₀₀₂ ₂ₖ₂
  • 2001: ²⁰⁰¹ ²ᵏ¹ ₂₀₀₁ ₂ₖ₁
  • Year 2000: ²⁰⁰⁰ ²ᵏ ₂₀₀₀ ₂ₖ
  • 1999: ¹⁹⁹⁹ ¹ᵏ⁹ ₁₉₉₉ ₁ₖ₉


Special numeric characters of Lien Quan

Numbers in Lien Quan names are very popular, you can add them to your name to show your year of birth, age, birthday or any number you like. What’s more fun than having your character’s name in the game associated with meaningful events for you?

Below are some numeric characters that you can refer to to add to your Lien Quan name:

  • Small numbers at the bottom: ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉
  • Small number on top: ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹
  • ¼ ½ ¾ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • ⓵ ⓶ ⓷ ⓸ ⓹ ⓺ ⓻ ⓼ ⓽ ⓾
  • ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴
  • Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ Ⅼ Ⅽ Ⅾ Ⅿ
  • ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ
  • Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓖ Ⓗ Ⓘ Ⓙ Ⓚ Ⓛ Ⓜ Ⓝ Ⓞ Ⓟ Ⓠ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓥ Ⓦ Ⓧ Ⓨ Ⓩ
  • ㊊ ㊋ ㊌ ㊍ ㊎ ㊏ ㊐ ㊑ ㊒ ㊓ ㊔ ㊕ ㊖ ㊗ ㊘ ㊜ ㊝ ㊞ ㊟ ㊠ ㊡ ㊢ ㊣ ㊤ ㊥ ㊦ ㊧ ㊨ ㊩ ㊪ ㊫ ㊬ ㊭ ㊮ ㊯ ㊰
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Other special characters make Lien Quan names more beautiful than ever

In addition to the above character types, below are some unique, special and extremely attractive character combinations to help you get a beautiful Lien Quan name.

Tiny letters

You can combine the small special characters compiled by Hoang Ha Mobile below to create a beautiful Lien Quan name that shows your personality:

  • aͣ b cͣ dͣ eͣ fͣ gͣ hͣ iͣ jͣ kͣ lͣ mͣ nͣ oͣ pͣ qͣ rͣ sͣ tͣ uͣ vͣ wͣ xͣ yͣ zͣ
  • Aͣ Bͣ Cͣ Dͣ Eͣ Fͣ Gͣ Hͣ Iͣ Jͣ Kͣ Lͣ Mͣ Nͣ Oͣ Pͣ Qͣ Rͣ Sͣ Tͣ Uͣ Vͣ Wͣ Xͣ Yͣ Zͣ
  • aͯ bͯ cͯ dͯ eͯ fͯ gͯ hͯ iͯ jͯ kͯ lͯ mͯ nͯ oͯ pͯ qͯ rͯ sͯ tͯ uͯ vͯ wͯ xͯ yͯ zͯ
  • Aͯ Bͯ Cͯ Dͯ Eͯ Fͯ Gͯ Hͯ Iͯ Jͯ Kͯ Lͯ Mͯ Nͯ Oͯ Pͯ Qͯ Rͯ Sͯ Tͯ Uͯ Vͯ Wͯ Xͯ Yͯ Zͯ
  • aͨ bͨ cͨ dͨ eͨ fͨ gͨ hͨ iͨ jͨ kͨ lͨ mͨ nͨ oͨ pͨ qͨ rͨ sͨ tͨ uͨ vͨ wͨ xͨ yͨ zͨ
  • Aͨ Bͨ Cͨ Dͨ Eͨ Fͨ Gͨ Hͨ Iͨ Jͨ Kͨ Lͨ Mͨ Nͨ Oͨ Pͨ Qͨ Rͨ Sͨ Tͨ Uͨ Vͨ Wͨ Xͨ Yͨ Zͨ

Star character

If you want to add a few stars to your Lien Quan name, don’t hesitate to copy the extremely diverse but also extremely attractive star characters below:

  • ✫ ✪ ✩ ✬ ✮ ✭ ✯ ✰ ✹ ✸ ✷ ✶ ✵ ☆ ★ ✡ ✴✲ ⋆ ۞ ✠ ❖

Smiley face character

Being a positive and optimistic person, adding a smiley face is a way for you to immediately have a beautiful Lien Quan name:

  • ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ ❁◕ ‿ ◕❁
  • ≧◔◡◔≦ ≧◉◡◉≦ ≧✯◡✯≦ ≧❂◡❂≦
  • ☻ ت ヅ ツ ッ シ Ü ϡ ​​ﭢ
  • ≧✯◡✯≦ ≧◠◡◠≦ ≧’◡’≦ =☽
  • (°⌣°) ٩(^‿^)۶ ٩(͡๏̮͡๏)۶ =^.^= (•‿•)
  • ≧^◡^≦ ≧°◡°≦ ^o^^.^ᵔᴥᵔ^^
  • (^L^) (>‿♥) ♥‿♥◙‿◙ ^( ‘‿’ )^^‿^乂◜◬◝乂 (▰˘◡˘▰)

Currency symbols

Some unique currency characters show the class and personality of your own in-game character name:

  • ¤ Ұ ₴ $ € £ ₰ ¢ ₳ ₲ ₤ ¥ ₪ ₵ 元 ฿ ¤ ₣ ₱ ₡ ₮ ₩ ₭
  • 円 ₢ ₫ ₦ ₥ z ł ₯ ₨ ﷼ ₠ ƒ ₹ ₧ CZK र

Thai characters

If you love Thai language, culture, Thai people or simply want to add Thai characters to your name to make it look more impressive and beautiful, this is a collection of characters that you need to save.

  • ก ข ฃ ง จ ฉ ค ฅ ฆ ช ซ ฑ ฒ ณ ฌ ญ ฎ ฏ ฐ
  • ด ต น บ ป ถ ท ธ ผ ภ ม ย ฝ ฤๅ ล ฦ พ ฟ ร ฤ
  • ฦๅ ศ ษ ส ว ห ฬ อ ฮ ◌ึ ◌ื ◌ิ ◌ี ◌ุ ◌ะ ◌ั ◌า ◌ำา
  • ◌ู ◌ฺ ◌ฺุ ◌ฺ โ◌ ใ◌ ไ◌ เ◌ แ◌ ◌็ ◌่ ◌้ ◌๋ ◌์ ◌ํ ◌๊ ◌๎ ◌็่
  • ◌๊่ ๐ ๔ ๕ ๖ ๑ ๘ ๙ ๒ ๑ ๗ ฿ ๓
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Special characters on iOS

For iPhone and iPad users, you can have options for special characters integrated into the device. However, if you do not use these devices, you can still supplement by copying special characters on iOS compiled by Hoang Ha Mobile.


To have a beautiful Lien Quan name, you definitely cannot ignore the following characters:

Other special characters

Not stopping there, below are unique characters that you can completely refer to to create and name your own Lien Quan account:

  • ἀ ἄ ἂ ἆ ἁ ἅ ἃ ἇ ​​ά ὰ ᾰ ᾶ ᾱ ἐ ἔ ἒ ἑ ἕ ἓ έ ὲ ἠ ἤ ἢ ἦ ἡ ἥ ἣ ἧ ή ὴ ῆ ἰ ἴ ἲ ἶ ἱ ἵ ἳ ἷ ί ὶ ῐ ῖ ϊ ΐ ῒ ῗ ῑ ὀ ὄ ὂ ὁ
  • а ĩ ọ б в г ґ ғ ҕ д ăn ђ ăn đ ҙ е є ж җ з ăn ѕ ọ đ и ҋ і ј к қ Ê ҡ ҟ ҝ л Ê љ đ м Ê н ọ ң ĩ ҥ њ đ
  • ὅ ὃ ό ὸ ῤ ῥ ὐ ὔ ὒ ὖ ὑ ὕ ὓ ὗ ύ ὺ ῠ ῦ ϋ ΰ ῢ ῧ ῡ ὠ ὤ ὢ ὦ ὡ ὥ ὣ ὧ ώ ὼ ῶ
  • о ĩ п ҧ ҁ р ҏ с ăn đ ҫ т đ ҭ ћ у ү ұ ѹ ф х ҳ һ ѡ ѿ ѽ ѻ ц ҵ ч ҷ ọ ҹ ҽ ҿ џ ш ъ ы ь ҍ ѣ э ю я ѥ ѧ ѫ ѩ ѭ ѯ ѱ ѳ ѵ ҩ Ê

Beautiful Lien Quan names for men

With the general characters in the above section, Lien Quan players in particular or online games in general, creating a unique and impressive name no longer takes much time.

If you are a man and still haven’t found an interesting idea, the suggestions for beautiful Lien Quan names for men below will definitely be extremely useful for you:

  • ♡✡ßeel✡♡
  • Boss‿❤PRO
  • •๖ۣۜChi ρɦèσ ĭɗσℓ•
  • ꧁їɗøℓ кɦá вŋɦ꧂
  • Army
  • ★ɠaɦ Tεαм fruit Ta★
  • ☞Kun
  • Dear girlfriend
  • ๖ۣۜDσãη ¢ɦí biηɦ✰
  • Old lady
  • Previous
  • Fish and shellfish
  • ▲ℑ↭Roσy
  • All rights reserved.
  • •Pɦเ ςtonǥ Children⁀ᶦᵈᵒᶫ
  • ♔⌒βοοrjη#1
  • ★Ğà ċôŋɠ ŋɠɦї★
  • King♌Sweet
  • ミ★๖ۣۜ Search
  • ♡๖ۣۜ☪ãų ᇇ♡๖ۣۜ
  • Royal Family
  • ¹št Peace‿✶
  • ☠m⁰⁰⋆
  • ¥=Ken=¥
  • Bocute‿✿
  • ❂Jun

Beautiful Lien Quan Names for Girls

On the contrary, as a female Lien Quan gamer, you have many ways to create a beautiful Lien Quan name to impress other players and express yourself. If you are still wondering, don’t worry, the suggested names below will help you have many ideas to create your own name for your game character:

  • Bubble
  • ❖︵ßèoɞ
  • ➻❥₷ɦ¡ղℯ♪
  • ✿ℭơղɕ❄ℭɦươɑ❤
  • ❥Trânɠ﹏❣
  • I love you
  • ◇◆ขไ◇◆
  • ✿۶メũη︵✞
  • ➻❥ðṑ︵²⁰⁰¹ðɪēи︵²⁰⁰²❣
  • the
  • ىƊâΰTâɣى\
  • ɣuu♔mii﹏❣
  • ➻❥﹏✍NaryChan❦
  • ❥Ҳù⋆hâღ
  • ❤EYA❤
  • ๖ۣPé_Ngốz
  • Stupid ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Grass
  • left
  • NiNi..T®am
  • ♥◇e&a◇♥
  • ♪Yoko
  • ✵ℳïɛ‿❁
  • ღⓥâⓝ�
  • ❦ℭʜεᴙγ
  • ♚➻Fragrance~²º
  • Sɧɣɳ
  • ➻❥︵ℳai
  • ➻❥ლâɣ﹏✍
  • Yu
  • Candy
  • ➻❥ßíʈღʈʉốʈ☠
  • ♥ⓛⓞⓥⓔ♥☜Tu
  • ♪Min♪~~
  • Yeng☠❣
  • Baby
  • Letter
  • ❄Cat
  • ➻❥Quality
  • En”•s
  • .^Linh^.
  • billion
  • ♘◠ℑɧươոɠ❁
  • ঌⓛⓨ➻❥
  • ☪Sɧįɳƴ
  • ♚¬MyʏℒՕvɛ
  • ❋ℳøøn

Beautiful Lien Quan names for both men and women

Besides the beautiful Lien Quan names for men and women suggested above, Hoang Ha Mobile also sends you names that can be used for both men and women.

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Unique, impressive, individual, and one of a kind is what the list of beautiful Lien Quan names below brings:

  • ︵✿๖ۣۜF๖ۣۜT๖ۣۜKʋүɗυbaĭ‿✿
  • English
  • ๖²⁴ʱʂơή︵❣
  • ︵✿ʝα¢ƙ❶‿✿
  • Fragrance•fragrance
  • ♡๖ۣۜɦã¡ Ҩųαƴ ✘ℯ♡๖ۣۜ
  • ✦ℭɦípɦè❍✦
  • ✿çɦỏξmí✿
  • ★ҩutilities★
  • Mr.
  • I love you
  • ➻❥v̫i̫r̫u̫s̫✿c̫o̫r̫o̫n̫a̫࿐
  • ♚мᴅᴅᴅᴘ☠
  • I want to drive you
  • ❖︵Quạʏ
  • ♡ℓ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥υ♡
  • ༂d̲̅a̲̅r̲̅k̲̅☬s̲̅t̲̅a̲̅r̲̅➻
  • ※D
  • ꧁༺😍ᴾᴴuᴺᴳ❦❤️ᴬᴺᴴ❦💋༻꧂
  • Previous
  • ︵Cɧiɱ
  • Æ︶Çhinsu₰㏘
  • ◦•●◉✿TlanhaNhãḉHHA✿◉●•◦
  • ♕ⓄⓇⒶⓃⒼⒺ♕
  • ➻❥ლâɣ﹏✍
  • Missing • What?
  • ○❤️éм︵³⁴ʏlove︵³⁴C̉j❤️⚳
  • price
  • ◦•●◉✿✿◉●•◦
  • ༄༂ßÇŠ•Ƙσŧᶒᶍ༉
  • *•.¸♡ლâγ♡¸.•*
  • ゚°☆ Łøʋε ☆° ゚
  • ༄༂ßαϮ•Mαη༉
  • ☆๖ۣۜǤαмєŦV☆
  • ¬†imNeedToHaveE™
  • needless
  • ➻tùnġ•ċút•ċlëär✔
  • love you✔
  • ঌᐯIᖇᑌᔕ۶ᑕOᖇOᑎᗩ✿‿
  • ➻❥M͜͡O͜͡N͜͡K͜͡E͜͡Y͜͡۝ঔৣ✞
  • ➻❥๖R❂Sɛ﹏
  • English
  • ︵✿๖ۣۜDeerηɠ ๖ۣۜDadηɠ‿✿
  • ‿✿ɴнιღpublic domain⊰⊹
  • ๖ۣۜV͟I͟R͟U͟S͟ᵛᶰシ
  • ✿ლâɣ➻❥
  • ™ˆ†ìñh♥Àøˆ™
  • ︵✿s̾t̾o̾r̾m̾‿✿
  • Contact
  • ❖︵▪ADČ▪™
  • ╰❥M̥ͦḀͦS̥ͦE̥ͦW̥ͦ⁀ᶦᵈᵒᶫ
  • ╰❥th̸h̸n̸h̸❥
  • ŚhooէOɾĎiε☠
  • ʑℰℜ❍ ζ❍⁀ᶜᵘᵗᵉ
  • Eagle
  • ɱ√ρ
  • βanhƦhaξɱ༉
  • ๖ۣۣۜSjn๖ۣۣۜDy
  • ༺ωїɳωїɳ༻
  • ꧁H҉A҉C҉K҉E҉R҉꧂
  • bear❖fat
  • *•.¸♡T͜͡coI͜͡❄L͜͡à❄A͜͡I͜͡?♡¸.•*
  • ♔⋆❷❹ɦ Ɣêų⋆♔
  • ╰❥🅝🅣❄🅜y❄🅗🅘e🅝╰❥
  • Data base
  • ✿Dreamy✿
  • ꧁༺₦Ї₦ℑ₳༻꧂
  • ꧁༺ɠaυ❤ƙɑ༻꧂
  • ๖ۣۜŤOP✮
  • Star☆
  • ᴄ …
  • ⁂➻❥
  • ™ӀօղցƘ
  • ❣๖ۣۜB๖ۣۜE๖ۣۜO❣
  • ๖Çá❍࿐
  • Ƙiйɠ
  • ᵛᶰシнuʏɴнoκ︵²ᵏ⁷
  • ︵ℭɦhipɦèo
  • attractive
  • ђล†♥ßµï♥иђỏ
  • ‿✿milk tea࿐
  • ꧁༺L̐HaO̐✿Dai̐༻꧂
  • ꧁༺18•🅧🅤🅚🅐༻꧂
  • ꧁༺ɧc❦☠️❦Áɱ༻꧂
  • ❖︵cruυѕн⁀ᶦᵈᵒᶫ
  • ★Ҩuyηɦ★
  • ´¯`•.мèσ๛ℓuι.•´¯`•
  • ꧁(Nick name)꧂
  • » Group
  • ßσss™
  • ๖ۣۜGod♣Fairy♥
  • Previous
  • ঌOIᔕ۶ᕼᗩ ᗪᗩY✿‿
  • ღ[N̐]✺ᙢöön²ᵏ⁵⁀ᶦᵈᵒᶫ
  • ︵✰ɦεɳтaї®
  • ๖ۣۜSky♥Kü†€®
  • ♥ⓛⓞⓥⓔ♥☜Tu
  • ๖ۣۜJυηɠℓεɾ⁀ᶦᵈᵒᶫ
  • ︵✿ɦ❍à¡‿✿
  • ✾︵ئJuna
  • ๖ۣۜNhõx♥Çry™
  • *•.¸♡e̸m̸๛m̸want̸๛l̸ai̸๛c̸h̸ᙡ¸.•*
  • ꧁༺ⒶⒻⓀ༻꧂
  • ıllıllıⓥⓨ☠ⓣà»-(¯`v´¯)-»
  • ✞ঔৣ۝۝ঔৣ✞
  • ︵✿Ňɠọς♔
  • ☉₷υpěř Mαη☉
  • ₡ŁAN
  • I’m going to change
  • ღβʊờղ⁀ᶜᵘᵗᵉ
  • ︵¹⁶๖ۣۜCãⓊ︵✰Ⓥàńg̲̅︵⁹⁹
  • ✟şóı™βạ☪❖
  • ™є๓๖ۣۜôเ๖ۣۜςtuย︵⁹⁹
  • ︵✰₷ƙƴ❄
  • ‿✿ßin۶ßin✿‿
  • *•.¸♡🅜🅘🅝🅐🅜🅘♡¸.•*
  • ☜T͙ôï︵❣Êà︵❣ⓐı☥
  • ꧁༒☬ᤂℌ໔ℜ؏ৡ☬༒꧂
  • ꧁༒•TheKing•༒꧂
  • Evil☼Devil
  • ✞ঔৣ۝🅒à 🅚🅗te🅐۝ঔৣ✞
  • Princess
  • Logⱥภ⚔ ⏤͟͟͞͞
  • ★ѕᴛʀɪκεꗄ➺
  • ™ʙoss™
  • C҉O҉R҉O҉N҉A҉
  • ᴾᴿᴼシⓖđⓤ.ⓚⓐ︵❻❾
  • (¯´•._.••._.•´¯)
  • ☥ɴoнoᴘᴇ☆
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Instructions on how to change your name in Lien Quan

After having a really outstanding name, showing your identity and mark with special characters, the remaining thing is to replace the old name with a new creative name. To be able to change your name, you need to own a Name Change Card at a very high price or receive it for free when completing certain Missions in the game.

Once you have the Name Change Card, if you still don’t know the specific steps to change your name in the game Lien Quan, here are detailed instructions for you:

Step 1: Enter the game Lien Quan, on the main interface screen, click on the Avatar icon in the top left corner.


Step 2: Select the gear icon. Then click Edit Name.



Step 3: You proceed to enter a new name. You can copy the previously created name including special characters and paste it into the required box or perform the steps to add a name and copy special characters into this box.


Step 4: Finally, click OK to confirm and complete the name change process. Because the price of the Name Change Card is relatively high, you need to pay attention and check carefully whether the name has enough characters, is correct and matches your preferences and requirements before clicking OK.

So with the 4 quick steps above, gamers have immediately had a beautiful Lien Quan name according to their preferences and requirements. Now you can enjoy relaxing and interesting moments with your favorite game with a name that is extremely outstanding and unique more than ever.

Also, don’t miss the interesting and good articles about the game Lien Quan by Hoang Ha Mobile below!


A beautiful Lien Quan name will partly express the character in the game and yourself as well as impress other players. You can completely create a unique name by yourself with special characters or ideas from the suggested Lien Quan names summarized through the article above.

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