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Tam tai là gì? Cách tính 3 năm Tam tai?

Tam tai, two seemingly simple words but containing many mysteries in the culture and beliefs of Vietnamese people. Carrying with it anxiety and caution about unavoidable misfortunes, today’s article by Hoang Ha Mobile will help you understand clearly what Tam tai is, from its origin, meaning to how to calculate and resolve misfortunes.

What is Tam Tai?

According to Vietnamese folk beliefs, Three disasters is a special period in life, said to be full of difficulties, challenges, and “disasters” for three consecutive years.

What is the origin and meaning of Tam Tai?

Tam tai originates from the philosophy of yin and yang and the five elements in Eastern culture, specifically the concept of “Tam hop”. Accordingly, the 12 zodiac animals are divided into 4 groups, each group consists of 3 zodiac animals that are compatible with each other. When a zodiac animal encounters Tam tai, the other two zodiac animals in its Tam hop group will also encounter the same year. “Tam” means three, symbolizing three consecutive years of encountering difficulties. “Tai” means disaster, bad luck, and difficulty. Therefore, Tam tai is understood as three years of disaster, three years of encountering many unlucky things.

What is tam tai? How to calculate tam tai for 3 years? 1

Signs of Tam Tai period

According to folk beliefs, the Tam Tai period can affect every aspect of a person’s life, including:

Money: Having financial difficulties, easy to lose money, business failure, loss of property.

Health: Prone to illness, poor health, accidents, constant illness.

Spirit: Feeling insecure, anxious, prone to sadness and conflicts in relationships.

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How does temporary hearing loss affect life?

The level of influence of Tam Tai is said to vary from person to person, some people experience mild effects, some people experience severe effects. Some factors that are said to influence the level of influence of Tam Tai include:

Age: The older a person is, the more likely they are to encounter severe Tam Tai.

Destiny: People with weak destiny are said to be more likely to encounter severe Tam Tai.

Virtue: People who have much virtue and live a good life are said to have a lighter Tam Tai period.

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What is the Tam Tai cycle?

Tam Tai is a long-standing folk concept in Vietnam, referring to three consecutive years of many difficulties and challenges in life. According to this concept, the Tam Tai cycle operates according to certain rules as follows:

12 year cycle: Every 12 years, there will be a repeating Tam Tai cycle, which means that every 12 years, each person will encounter Tam Tai once.

For example: If you were born in 1992 (Nham Than), you will encounter Tam Tai for the first time in the years 2024 (Giap Thin), 2025 (At Ty) and 2026 (Binh Ngo).

Order of the Three Harmonies: Each person will encounter the Tam Tai limit according to the order of age in the Tam Hop set. Tam Hop is a group of three zodiac animals that have a compatible relationship with each other, for example: Ty – Suu – Thin, Dan – Mao – Thin, Hoi – Mao – Mui, …

For example: The age groups of Rat – Ox – Dragon will encounter the Tam Tai disaster in the years of Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon respectively.

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Decoding the mystery of the 3-year rotation cycle

Tam tai includes 3 consecutive years, calculated based on the order of the three combinations in the 12 Earthly Branches. For example, people born in the year of Ty will encounter Tam tai in the years of Dan, Mao, Thin, and people born in the year of Mui will encounter Tam tai in the years of Tuat, Hoi, Ty, etc.

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And each year in Tam Tai has a separate meaning:

The first year of Tam Tai (Water Tai): Often encounter many difficulties and challenges in work, finance, and love. This is a period where you need to be careful, guard against risks, and prepare mentally to face challenges.

Second year of Tam Tai (Fire disaster): Bad luck may be reduced compared to the first year, but you still need to pay attention and resolve outstanding issues.

The last year of Tam Tai (Phong Tai): Difficulties gradually pass, everything becomes more favorable. This is the time to reap the rewards and start new plans.

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How to calculate Tam Tai limit

According to the Tam Tai concept that we have learned in the content What is Tam Tai, accurately calculating the Tam Tai year will help you have the best mental and psychological preparation to accept the challenges in this period.

The order of the 12 zodiac animals is:

Rat – Ox – Tiger – Cat – Dragon – Snake – Horse – Goat – Monkey – Rooster – Dog – Pig

Rat – Buffalo – Tiger – Cat – Dragon – Snake – Horse – Goat – Monkey – Chicken – Dog – Pig

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The calculation is simple as follows:

Age group of Tiger – Horse – Dog: Encountering Tam Tai in the years Monkey – Rooster – Dog.

For example: People born in 1998 will encounter Tam Tai in the years 2029 (Ky Than), 2030 (Canh Dau), 2031 (Tan Tuat).

Age group Pig – Cat – Goat: Encountering Tam Tai in the years Snake – Horse – Goat.

For example: People born in 2004 will encounter Tam Tai in the years 2033 (Quy Ty), 2034 (Giap Ngo), 2035 (At Mui).

Age group Monkey – Rat – Dragon: Encountering Tam Tai in the years Tiger – Cat – Dragon.

For example: People born in 1996 will encounter Tam Tai in the years 2031 (Tan Dan), 2032 (Nham Mao), 2033 (Quy Thin).

Age group of Snake – Rooster – Ox: Encountering Tam Tai in the years Pig – Rat – Ox.

For example: People born in 1999 will encounter Tam Tai in the years 2030 (Canh Ty), 2031 (Tan Suu), 2032 (Nham Dan).

What is the year 2024 of the zodiac sign Tam Tai?

In 2024, according to the folk concept of Tam Tai as well as based on information related to the topic What is Tam Tai that we learned before, the three zodiac animals Monkey, Rat and Dragon will encounter Tam Tai this year.

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Monkey age meets Tam tai limit: 1956 (Binh Than), 1968 (Mau Than), 1980 (Canh Than), 1992 (Nham Than), 2004 (Giap Than), 2016 (Binh Than).

  • Face many difficulties and challenges in life, including money, health and spirit.
  • Be careful in everything, guard against risks and disasters.
  • You should maintain good health, be optimistic, and live a good life to resolve the Tam Tai period.
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Year of the Rat has Tam Tai limit: 1948 (Mau Ty), 1960 (Canh Ty), 1972 (Nham Ty), 1984 (Giap Ty), 1996 (Binh Ty), 2008 (Mau Ty), 2020 (Canh Ty).

  • Faced with many changes in life, need to be careful and calm to solve.
  • Pay attention to health, especially problems related to heart and digestion.
  • You should maintain an optimistic spirit and seek support from family and friends when necessary.

The year of the Dragon has the Tam Tai limit: 1940 (Canh Thin), 1952 (Nham Thin), 1964 (Giap Thin), 1976 (Binh Thin), 1988 (Mau Thin), 2000 (Canh Thin), 2012 (Nham Thin).

  • Easy to encounter conflicts and arguments in relationships.
  • Be careful in investing and doing business, avoid making hasty decisions.
  • Should maintain health, especially skeletal system.
  • Stay positive and patient to get through this difficult time.

How to resolve Tam Tai limit

Although there is no scientific basis to prove it, the Tam Tai period is still a cultural concept that is believed by a large number of people. At that time, the need for methods to implement measures to resolve and pray for peace and luck during the Tam Tai period is sought by many people. Below are some common ways to resolve the Tam Tai period.

What is the Tam Tai offering?

Worship is one of the most popular ways to resolve the Tam Tai period, expressing the wish to be blessed by the gods, to avoid disasters, to be safe and lucky throughout the Tam Tai year. The time for worship is usually on the 11th of January or the 23rd of March of the lunar calendar. You can worship at home or at the temple. If you worship at home, you should choose a solemn and peaceful place. The basic offerings include a tray of five fruits, 3 chickens or 3 roast pigs, 3 bowls of sticky rice, 3 bowls of sweet soup, 3 glasses of wine, 3 incense sticks, gold and paper money.

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Go to the temple, accumulate virtue and do good deeds

Going to the temple is a way to resolve the Tam Tai disaster, which comes from the spiritual beliefs of the Vietnamese people, based on the concept of cause and effect and the protection of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Incense and smoke from temples help people express their respect, pray for the protection of Buddhism, to overcome disasters, and to be safe and lucky throughout the Tam Tai year. The pure and solemn atmosphere of the Zen monastery helps people cleanse their souls, purify their worries and anxieties, and move towards good things. Going to the temple, participating in Buddhist activities such as chanting sutras and reciting Buddha’s name also helps people accumulate more merit and blessings for themselves and their families.

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You can go to the temple at any time of the year, but the best time is on the full moon day, the first day of the lunar month or on holidays. Note that when going to the temple, you should wear polite, appropriate and discreet clothes. Maintain order and security, do not litter, protect the temple environment. And sincerity is the most important thing when going to the temple.

Going to the pagoda to dispel the bad luck of Tam Tai is just a spiritual belief, there is no scientific basis to prove it. However, this is a meaningful traditional cultural activity, helping people find peace, serenity in their souls and towards peaceful things in life.

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Feng Shui items to neutralize Tam Tai

Carrying feng shui items is also considered a popular way to resolve the Tam Tai disaster. Based on the destiny, each person will have their own suitable feng shui items, bringing positive energy, supporting the resolution of bad luck. What are the items that resolve Tam Tai?

  • Metal element: Should choose white, gold, metal items such as Kim Pi Xiu, Kim Hoang bracelet, metal Maitreya Buddha statue, etc.
  • Wood element: Should choose items with green or brown wood colors such as Wood Pixiu, agarwood bracelets, wooden statues of Buddha Quan The Am, etc.
  • Water element: Should choose black and navy blue items such as Water Pixiu, black quartz bracelet, stone statue of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, etc.
  • Fire element: Should choose items with red or orange colors such as Fire Pixiu, red agate bracelet, bronze Amitabha Buddha statue, etc.
  • Earth element: Should choose items with yellow or brown colors such as Earth Pixiu, tiger eye stone bracelet, stone statue of Buddha Shakyamuni, etc.

What is tam tai? How to calculate tam tai for 3 years? 9

Before using, you should purify the item with salt water, incense, etc. to remove negative energy and attract positive energy. Carry feng shui items with you at all times, especially when traveling far or having important matters.

What should you avoid when you encounter Tam Tai?

According to folk beliefs, the three-year period of bad luck is a period of three consecutive years in which each person may encounter many difficulties and challenges in life. Therefore, to minimize the effects of the three-year period, many people often avoid the following things.

Taboos in work and finance Tam Tai period often causes people to encounter many risks in work and finance, so be careful when investing and doing business, avoid large or risky projects. Changing jobs during the year of the Tam Tai period can also cause you many difficulties and obstacles, so consider carefully before deciding. Avoid buying expensive items, save money and only buy items that are really necessary.

Emotional and health taboos: Avoid arguing and conflicting with others to maintain harmony in the family and relationships. Traveling far away or traveling during the Tam Tai period can lead to many risks and accidents, so you should limit travel if not really necessary. The Tam Tai period also has inexplicable spiritual elements that make people easily fall into social evils, so you should stay away from gambling, drinking, etc. to protect yourself and your family.

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Although Tam Tai is just a folk concept, it still has a certain influence on people’s psychology and life. Today’s article by Hoang Ha Mobile about what Tam Tai is has helped you understand better, this is a part of the cultural beliefs of Vietnamese people. Whether or not to believe in Tam Tai depends on each individual. However, instead of worrying about Tam Tai, focus on living well, doing good deeds and keeping an optimistic spirit to have a peaceful and happy life.


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