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PewPew muốn thành anh nuôi tôm sau 7 tháng nghỉ làm streamer, yêu 1 cô gái bình thường có thể nói chuyện khủng long bạo chúa sau “ngôn tình” với Trâm Anh

“From tomorrow, I can live a normal life. Work 8 hours a day, hang out with friends on the weekends. Sleep without worrying about missing work. A time to remember. If you are young, live so that when you are 30, you can look back and smile,” signed PewPew.

Pew decided to retire. It was the result of many nights he went to bed with the question: “Is this the right time?” and the result was… staying up all night! No one told Pew whether it was right or not, because only time would answer that question. Still, he decided to change.


Pew wants a normal life, after 7 years of being a streamer. Besides the fact that Pew has lived his life to the fullest like a tireless boy to fill his bag of experiences, Pew also lacks a lot.

Besides the lack of time for family and himself, the most obvious lack is probably the lack of sleep. The hasty sleeps in the car on the way to the meeting, in the meeting before the boss arrives, behind the scenes, and anywhere there is a place to lean back… Pew cannot pass the age of 30 with such sleepiness.

And he did.

Meeting Pew after 7 months of saying goodbye to his audience. Pew is much different from before, not in terms of weight or charisma but in his clothes. When he was a KOL of a company, he caused a stir with the saying “I don’t mind going to Hanoi, I just need a reason”, Pew wore pants and a shirt to the meeting. Now, Pew “plays” with a whole outfit of floral shorts, a T-shirt, and slippers. On the outside, Pew is still Pew when he speaks.

Sit down and listen to Pew talk about what’s going on in his life after leaving his streamer job through the following short stories:

    The first day after quitting my job, confused with the question: What to do today?

I still remember the day after signing the contract to terminate the contract with the company, I had to get used to the new life. When I was still a KOL, I was very busy, I had to go to shows, change clothes, move to this place and that place. But now life is very slow. There are days when I wake up at 9-10am, have breakfast and then I am absent-minded with the question: What do I do next?

Okay, let’s go to the bakery for a meeting, check… But what will I do after that? And what will happen next? That was the time when I had too much free time and decided to learn something new. A few other business ideas came up during that time.

Life is like when you are speeding down the road on your new and beautiful motorbike, suddenly you brake hard and take a turn. By now you have probably entered the turn and started accelerating on another turn.

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I call it learning to live a normal life. When I was 16-17, I overcame hardship. Now, I overcame happiness. Through both of those stages, I found myself stepping back to observe and living much more slowly.

    Brought parents to Saigon, rented a house but people kept saying they were rich

In the past 3 months, I have spent a lot of time with my family. I brought my parents to Saigon to live with me, after more than ten years apart since I went abroad to study and then work. I have spent a lot of time planning my future life. Many young people want to move out and buy a house, but I prefer to live with my family.

It’s a normal ground floor house. I’m still renting now, where do I have the money to buy a house?

Many people think they are rich. But everyone’s definition of rich is very different. I think I am RICH. But being rich does not mean having a lot of assets. Being rich to me means being rich in experience, experiences, feelings, and emotions in life, compared to someone of 28 years old.

Bringing my parents to Saigon and rearranging everything in life, everything can be a bit difficult, finances, family pressure or reconciling different lifestyles between 2 generations… but all of that can be handled. What I CANNOT HANDLE is that I CANNOT BUY MORE TIME with my parents if I don’t try now.

A few decades from now, I don’t want to have to say “If only”: If only I could have had one more meal with my parents back then, if only I could have shared more with my parents back then, if only I could have listened to my parents talk back then…

    Do Mixi is the matchmaker for Facebook for Pew to meet his girlfriend, “fall in love” because…. “she is very normal” and “can talk about Tyrannosaurus Rex”

We (Hong Nhat’s girlfriend – PV) met each other without any fuss. I went to film an advertisement for a unit – where she worked in the production team. I asked for her information through someone else. Who? It was Do Mixi, who else?

Pew asked Do: Hey, do you know who that friend is?

Do Mixi: I know, there is Facebook.

Pew: Okay give it to me.

So we added each other on Facebook and made a dinner date.

Many people have asked: “Why is that girl attracted to Pew?” Many people have. Until now, I still have only one answer that has not changed:

“For her, everything is in moderation. I am someone who tends to live a life where the amplitude of all events in life must be as small as possible. And she gives me that feeling. Nothing is too outstanding, nothing is too excellent, but she is the first girl I met who can talk to me from the time of the T-Rex to the Stone Age, then suddenly become cute, and switch to work life. Suddenly changing the topic is normal. When together, sometimes just peace is enough. As for other things, I know when enough is enough, that’s life. It’s never enough, if I say it’s enough, it will be enough.”

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I told my girlfriend: I can’t promise you that I will be successful or do something great tomorrow, but I promise that no matter what happens, I will still be me with a normal life. She said: As long as I’m okay, that’s fine!

    Explaining the photo of “president of bread PewPew” wearing shorts and a sloppy t-shirt on the street that was secretly taken by a fan

Usually people think that being a KOL means maintaining an image. But I think that people need to maintain an IMAGE to maintain it, if I DON’T HAVE AN IMAGE, I will live like everyone else.

The photo of me wearing shorts and a t-shirt crossing the street shared on social media recently made me feel funny. If you recognize it, it is Su Van Hanh Street, District 10. That day, I was going to find a location for my new project.

When I first saw the picture posted by someone, I was a bit worried that my friends would think bad things about me walking on that street (there are many hotels renting by the hour on Su Van Hanh Street). However, everyone was completely indifferent to the street and only focused on my clothes. Once again, I looked at the picture and thought: Oh, it’s normal!

My clothes are not branded, not expensive but still attract people. How funny! My wardrobe is full of things like that, pants range from 60 to 100k, good ones are probably 120k. Saigon is very hot, wearing long pants with slippers is very funny, you have to wear shoes and when wearing shoes you have to wear socks. So just because you wear long pants you will have to wear shoes and socks, isn’t that hot?

    After 3 bakeries will be projects with a strong “farmer” character

I want to be able to do something new when I am 28 or 30. I have never been to a shrimp farm but I want to learn how to raise shrimp. People ask me what if I lose: If I lose, so be it? And I am really learning how to raise shrimp. A year ago when I opened my first bakery, someone asked me what I wanted to do after this? I said if I succeed, I will raise pigs and chickens. I am not joking.

However, the current situation of raising pigs and chickens is not feasible, so I will raise shrimp. After shrimp, I still want to raise pigs and chickens.

There are many young people now sharing online that they want to go back to their hometowns to grow vegetables and raise fish. All of you who shared Den Vau’s post don’t really know what life is like in the countryside. To have land to grow vegetables and raise fish, you don’t need to go to the city to work anymore. Be realistic, guys!

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Deciding to use the money for these projects, my life is not as comfortable as before. Currently my income is only one-fifth of what it was before, but it is fun.

I have another project in the city, which will open in the next 6 months. It will be the hit of my life. It is a complex of 6-8 floors with a bakery, internet room and rooftop cafe.

In addition, I also share my experiences with young people to become streamers, KOLs…

I don’t want to be rich, I just want a smooth life.

    Money and 30

I never thought that people have anything called property. You come to this world, are born and you do not have your name written that this wall, this table or this land will be yours. You have to fight. At the end of your life, lying on your sickbed, someone comes and asks: How much property do you have, how many square meters of land do you have… And you spend your whole life fighting for that.

I believe that everything will come to you when you have potential, then you will have money without having to fight. Live for experience. When you are rich in experience, experience, knowledge… all the other things will come to you.

There is no need to compete with each other on HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE. When you are young, ask each other HOW MUCH MONEY YOU EARN. That is the good thing. I really respect young people who are making money.

Honestly, if my bakery goes bankrupt tomorrow, I wouldn’t feel ashamed of it. Business is to serve the needs of society, society doesn’t need it anymore – stop, that’s completely normal. As long as I’m alive, I can still do it again.

The salary you receive does not determine who you are, but the way you live and work determines who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what position you hold. Don’t just work for money, work for yourself, do you like the job, do you want to learn anything from the job?

Age 30 is the age for both women and men, it is a turning point in life. No matter who you are, what kind of life you have, you cannot help but change. Body, experience, thoughts… all of those things are intertwined. At age 30, everyone is lazy to change and gradually accepts what is happening. I also started to feel afraid of failure, afraid of change, but every day I try to do something new, learn new knowledge. I hope you do the same!

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