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Mệnh thổ sinh năm nào? Bật mí thông tin chi tiết về người mệnh thổ

In the five elements, the Earth element is a symbol of stability and sustainability, representing the land and the source of all life. Have you ever wondered if you are a person of the Earth element? Or what element is compatible with the Earth element? People of the Earth element are not only known for their steadfast and trustworthy personalities, but also have unique characteristics in life and work.

This article will help you discover in detail about the years of birth of the Earth element, what elements are compatible with the Earth element, along with the outstanding characteristics of the characteristics, personality, love and career of people with this element. Let’s find out to understand all the interesting things about people with the Earth element!

Overview of the Five Elements

Before going into details about the Earth element or what element is compatible with the Earth element? Let’s first learn about the Five Elements in general. The Five Elements is an ancient Chinese philosophical system used to describe and explain how natural elements interact and influence each other in the universe. This system includes five main elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

Metal: Hard, sharp, symbolizes determination and strength. Metal is compatible with Water (Metal when melted becomes water). Metal overcomes Wood (Metal can cut trees).

Wood: Flexible, resilient, symbolizing growth and development. Wood is compatible with Fire (Wood burns to create fire). Wood overcomes Earth (Trees absorb nutrients from the soil).

Water: Soft, supple, symbolizing flexibility and intelligence. Water is compatible with Wood (Water nourishes trees).

Fire: Fire represents enthusiasm and strength, symbolizing abundant energy and passion. Fire generates Earth (Fire burns everything to ashes and becomes soil). Fire controls Metal (Fire can melt metal).

Earth: Earth represents durability and solidity. Earth generates Metal (Earth creates and contains metal). Earth controls Water (Earth can block and absorb water).

What year was the Earth element born?

In the five elements system of Eastern philosophy, the Earth element represents the land, the foundation of life and development. The land, with its solidity and tolerance, symbolizes the personality of people with the Earth element. Before coming to the topic of which element is compatible with the Earth element, we will review the topic of which year the Earth element is born.

Earth element born in 1938, 1998 (Mau Dan)

People born in the year of the Tiger are usually strong, decisive and brave like the tiger – the symbol of the year of the Tiger. They have good leadership skills and are always ready to face challenges. However, people born in this year of the Earth element need to learn to control their anger and temper to be able to achieve success in life.


Earth element born in 1939, 1999 (Ky Mao)

People born in the year of the Cat are usually soft, flexible and adaptable like cats. They are intelligent, perceptive and have the ability to solve problems skillfully. However, they need to pay attention to decisiveness and perseverance to achieve long-term goals.

Earth element born in 1946, 2006 (Binh Tuat)

People born in the year of the Dog are honest, trustworthy and loyal like the dog – the symbol of the Dog year. They are responsible and always ready to help others. However, they need to learn to be more flexible and avoid being too rigid in their thinking.

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Earth element born in 1947, 2007 (Dinh Hoi)

Most people of this age like safety and stability and they also have good financial management skills. However, they need to learn to broaden their horizons and avoid being too safe in every decision.

Earth element born in 1960, 2020 (Canh Ty)

People born in the year of Canh Ty are often very clever, resourceful, agile and intelligent. They have the ability to adapt quickly and are always looking for new opportunities. After knowing the year of birth of the Earth element, do you wonder what element is compatible with the Earth element? Let’s read on to the next section.

Earth element born in 1961, 2021 (Tan Suu)

People born in the year of the Ox are hardworking, persistent and trustworthy like the buffalo. They have a high sense of responsibility and always complete tasks carefully. However, they need to learn to be more flexible and avoid being too conservative in work and life.


Earth element born in 1968, 2028 (Mau Than)

People born in the year of the Monkey have a passion for exploring and learning new things. However, they need to learn to be more patient and avoid being too impulsive in their decisions.

Earth element born in 1969, 2029 (Ky Dau)

People born in the year of the Rooster are steadfast, upright and trustworthy like the chicken. They have a strong sense of responsibility and pay attention to detail. However, they need to learn to be more flexible and avoid being too rigid in their thinking.

What is the compatible destiny of the Earth element?

In the five elements system of Eastern philosophy, the Earth element has a relationship of mutual generation and mutual inhibition with other elements. Understanding the compatibility of elements helps people with the Earth element improve relationships, create harmony and success in life.

What is the compatible destiny of the Earth element?

Fire element (Fire generates Earth): According to the principle of the five elements, Fire generates Earth, which means Fire nourishes and increases the energy of Earth. When the Earth element combines with the Fire element, this relationship will be very harmonious and bring many benefits. People with the Fire element can help people with the Earth element to be more enthusiastic, dynamic and creative.


Metal element (Earth generates Metal): Earth generates Metal, meaning Earth creates Metal, increasing the value and strength of Metal. This relationship is also very good because people with the Earth element can play a supporting role, helping people with the Metal element to develop and achieve success. The Metal element also brings stability and strength to the Earth element.

Which destiny is compatible with the Earth destiny in love and marriage?

Fire element (Fire generates Earth): People with the Fire element will bring warmth, enthusiasm and joy to people with the Earth element.

Metal element (Earth generates Metal): Many people often ask which element is compatible with Earth? The answer is Metal. The relationship between people with Earth and Metal elements is also very good in love and marriage. People with Earth elements will support and help people with Metal elements in life, creating a strong and long-lasting relationship.

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Which destiny is compatible with the Earth destiny in work?

Fire element (Fire generates Earth): In work, people with Earth and Fire elements can create a strong and effective team.

Metal (Earth generates Metal): When the Earth element combines with the Metal element in work, the two sides often create an effective cooperation. People with the Earth element have the ability to support and create a stable foundation, helping people with the Metal element develop and achieve their goals. In contrast, people with the Metal element bring precision, sharpness and decisiveness, perfectly complementing the calm and steadfast personality of people with the Earth element.

What is your zodiac sign? 4.

Personality traits of people with the Earth element

A person’s personality traits can influence which element is compatible with the Earth element. The following qualities will help them succeed in many fields and build lasting relationships.

Honest and trustworthy

People of the Earth element are often known for their honest and trustworthy personalities. They tend to be a solid support for those around them in difficult times. With a stable nature, people of the Earth element easily build and maintain long-term relationships. Their honesty and responsibility not only help strengthen the trust of others but also form the foundation for success in life and career.

Patience and perseverance

Patience is one of the outstanding qualities of people with the Earth element. They do not give up easily in the face of challenges and always find ways to overcome all difficulties. What is the Earth element compatible with when these people are very patient and persistent in everything?


The patient characteristic of people with the Earth element shows perseverance and determination in all circumstances. They are not subjective but always prepare carefully and persistently pursue their goals. Challenges and difficulties do not make them falter, instead, they are ready to face and overcome them with perseverance and constant effort.

Careful and meticulous

People with the Earth element are quite careful and meticulous. People with this element often work very carefully and meticulously. They pay attention to every small detail and do not miss anything. This personality helps them complete their work accurately and effectively, avoiding unnecessary mistakes. Their carefulness and meticulousness are evident in both work and daily life, creating trust and peace of mind for those around them.

Organized and disciplined

Organization and discipline are the outstanding strengths of people with the Earth element. This helps them not only maintain organization in their work but also manage their time effectively. With discipline and carefulness in every step, people with the Earth element are often able to complete tasks on time without being under too much pressure.

Reliable and stable

They are not easily shaken by external changes and always maintain calmness in all circumstances. This personality helps them become a solid pillar in family, work and social relationships. The stability of people with the Earth element not only brings trust but also is a great source of encouragement for those around them in difficult and volatile times. With this personality, what destiny is suitable for the Earth element?


Be friendly and helpful

Despite their stable and serious personalities, people of the Earth element are very sociable and willing to help others. They value social relationships and always try to maintain harmony with everyone around them. This personality makes them valuable friends, colleagues and partners in the eyes of others.

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Thanks to their friendly and helpful personalities, people of the Earth element can easily establish and maintain many social relationships. Their willingness to help others makes them trustworthy and highly regarded in the community, building a solid personal reputation.

However, they need to be careful not to overdo their kindness and time. Being so available to help can leave them with little time and energy to care for themselves and pursue their personal goals, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed. Earth people can also have difficulty saying no to requests for help, causing them to endure unnecessary pressure and responsibility.

Strengths and weaknesses of the Earth element

After knowing which destiny is compatible with people of the Earth element, let’s take a quick look at the strengths and weaknesses of people of this destiny.


  • Patience and perseverance: Don’t give up easily in the face of difficulties.
  • Be realistic and rational: Make decisions based on facts and logic.



  • Rigid: People with the Earth element are compatible with what element when they have the weakness of being quite rigid. People with this element are too rigid and difficult to change, reducing flexibility in situations that require adaptation.
  • Prone to Over-Optimism: Their trust in planning and reason sometimes blinds them to potential risks.
  • Lack of Creativity: Organization and discipline sometimes limit their ability to be creative and think outside the box.

Career of people with Earth element

In addition to finding out which destiny is suitable for people with the Earth element, we also need to learn about the careers of people with this destiny. People with the Earth element, with their typical personality traits of honesty, patience, and organization, often achieve great success in their careers and financial management. Here is detailed information about suitable careers:

Management and administration: With organization and discipline, people of the Earth element are suitable for management and administrative positions.

Architecture and construction: Architecture and construction require carefulness, meticulousness and perseverance – qualities inherent in people of the Earth element. They can become good architects and construction engineers.

Agriculture and Geology: Land and nature are ideal environments for people of the Earth element. They can develop their careers in the fields of agriculture, geology or industries related to natural resources.



So, the article Earth element born in which year? Revealing detailed information about which element is suitable for people with Earth element has been compiled in detail for you. Earth element in the Five Elements not only symbolizes stability and sustainability but is also the foundation for development and prosperity. People with Earth element with honest, patient and trustworthy personalities have been creating sustainable values ​​in life as well as career. Understanding Earth element and the mutual generation and mutual inhibition relationships in the Five Elements not only helps you discover yourself but also optimizes the relationships around you, from love, marriage to work.

Continue to explore and apply this knowledge to your life to make the most of the strengths of the Earth element, while improving and overcoming weaknesses, helping you achieve lasting success and happiness.

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