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Mệnh Mộc hợp cây gì? 13 loại cây cảnh mang đến may mắn cho người mệnh Mộc

Which plants are suitable for people with the Wood element to attract wealth and luck? For people with the Wood element, choosing the right type of ornamental plants not only beautifies the living space but also helps balance energy and bring prosperity. Let’s explore 13 types of ornamental plants that are considered ideal for people with the Wood element, bringing good luck and fortune.

Overview of the Wood element

Before discovering which plants are suitable for the Wood element, let’s briefly learn about this element. In fact, the Wood element in the five elements of Vietnamese feng shui represents the fertility, growth and strong vitality of nature. This element symbolizes trees, always green and constantly growing and expanding. People of the Wood element are often characterized by flexibility, perseverance and high endurance, like the roots of trees reaching deep into the ground.

People with the Wood element have a gentle and calm personality. They are often very patient, rational and have the ability to solve problems skillfully. In family or work relationships, they are highly responsible people, always ready to support others, creating a harmonious and positive living environment.


People born in years such as 1988, 1989 belong to Dai Lam Moc; 1942, 2002 belong to Duong Lieu Moc; 1950, 2010 belong to Tung Bach Moc; 1958, 2018 belong to Binh Dia Moc; 1972, 1973 belong to Tang Do Moc; and 1980, 1981 belong to Thach Luu Moc all have the element of Moc. Each period has its own characteristics that match the nature of the corresponding tree.

People with the Wood element are often suitable for careers related to creativity, design and community care. At this time, they can maximize their steadfast personality and flexible adaptability.

What plants are suitable for people with the Wood element? Top 13 types of ornamental plants that bring luck to people with the Wood element

Below are 13 types of ornamental plants suitable for people of the Wood element, helping to bring luck and fortune that you should refer to immediately:

Money Tree

The Money Tree is considered one of the ideal ornamental plants for people of the Wood element. With lush green foliage and soft trunks, the Money Tree not only brings a graceful beauty to the living space but also helps attract wealth and luck. According to feng shui, the Money Tree has the ability to balance energy, creating harmony in the family and work.


Placing a Money Tree in the house or workplace will help the Wood element attract positive energy, supporting sustainable development. To the question of what tree is suitable for the Wood element?, the Money Tree is the perfect answer thanks to its ability to activate luck and maintain balance in the life of Wood element people.

Money Tree

With its strong beauty and enduring vitality, the Lucky Bamboo helps beautify the space as well as symbolizes growth, prosperity and fortune. The Lucky Bamboo has a sturdy trunk and dark green leaves, bringing a fresh and lively feeling to any space. For people of the Wood element, the Lucky Bamboo is a symbol of growth and progress, helping them always move forward and achieve great goals in life.

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Placing the Lucky Bamboo in the living room or office not only enhances the beauty but also helps the owner of the Wood element to always have favorable and lucky conditions in work and life. Thanks to that, the Lucky Bamboo is always considered one of the most suitable ornamental plants for people of the Wood element.

Singapore Banyan Tree

The Singapore Banyan Tree is a great choice when it comes to the question of which tree is suitable for the Wood element? With large, thick and dark green foliage, the Singapore Banyan Tree brings elegance and a fresh feeling to the living space. The outstanding feature of the tree is its ability to withstand low light environments and is easy to care for, suitable for many spaces such as living rooms, offices or cafes.


For people with the Wood element, the Singapore Banyan tree helps balance energy and symbolizes growth, sustainability and protection. When placing the Singapore Banyan tree in the house, people with the Wood element will feel peace and prosperity, helping them to always be full of positive energy and focus on big goals in life.

Tiger Tongue Plant

Tiger Tongue Plant is one of the plants favored by people of the Wood element thanks to its ability to purify the air and bring positive energy. With long, sturdy green leaves and easy care, the Tiger Tongue Plant not only creates a highlight for the space but also helps improve air quality, minimizing toxic substances in the living environment.


The question of which tree is suitable for people with the Wood element will be easily answered with the Tiger Tongue plant, because this plant symbolizes strength, protection and strong survival ability. For people with the Wood element, the Tiger Tongue plant brings a sense of security and peace, helping them easily overcome difficulties and challenges in life. Placing the Tiger Tongue plant in the bedroom or office will help people with the Wood element improve their health, improve their spirit and create a more positive living environment.

Green Emperor Tree

With its majestic and noble appearance, the Green Emperor Tree is a great choice for people of the Wood element. With the name Emperor, this tree not only symbolizes strength but also shows persistent vitality, consistent with the nature of the Wood element which is always growing and developing. The tree has dark green leaves, creating a pleasant feeling and closeness to nature, bringing fresh air to the living and working environment.


In particular, when planting the Green Emperor tree in the house or office, the space will become more luxurious and noble. When people with the Wood element search for the question of which tree is suitable for the Wood element, they certainly cannot ignore the Green Emperor tree, because it is suitable for the expansion and growth that the Wood element brings.

Japanese Palm Tree

The Japanese Palm Tree is a perfect feng shui choice for people of the Wood element, with its slender shape and wide-spreading leaves, symbolizing acceptance and flexibility. This plant brings elegance to the living space, while also supporting mental development and relaxation.

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The dark green leaves of the Japanese Palm symbolize freshness and vitality, suitable for the nature of the Wood element, always full of vitality and high adaptability. The Japanese Palm not only beautifies the environment but also helps balance humidity, creating a harmonious and pleasant living space.

Jade Plant

Next on the list of plants suitable for the Wood element is the Jade plant. This is a sophisticated choice for people of the Wood element, thanks to the fresh and pure beauty of its green leaves. The leaves of the Jade plant are often neatly arranged, with attractive shapes and colors, creating a peaceful and fresh feeling for the living space.


The tree not only beautifies the environment but also has a good effect in cleaning the air, helping to improve the quality of the living environment. People with the Wood element will feel extremely suitable with the Jade tree because the green color of the leaves reflects a cheerful personality and strong growth.

Japanese Bamboo

With its slender shape and dense leaves, the Japanese Bamboo Tree is a symbol of perseverance and strength, very suitable for people of the Wood element. The Japanese Bamboo Tree brings a gentle yet vibrant beauty to the living space, with high endurance and adaptability in many environmental conditions. The tree is also highly valued for its ability to balance yin and yang, bringing harmony and peace to the home.


In addition, the green color of leaves is the favorite color of the Wood element, symbolizing continuous growth and development. Those who are looking for the answer to the question of which tree is suitable for the Wood element will find the Japanese Bamboo tree a perfect choice, supporting both spiritually and feng shui.

Areca Palm

The Areca Palm with its thick, glossy green leaves is a great choice for people of the Wood element. This tree not only beautifies the living space but also has a profound feng shui meaning, helping to attract wealth and luck. The leaves of the Areca Palm grow very densely and green, representing strong growth and fertility, in line with the nature of the Wood element.


Placing this plant in the house or office not only makes the space more lively but also creates a feeling of closeness to nature, bringing peace and comfort. When people of the Wood element learn about which plants are suitable for the Wood element, they certainly cannot ignore Cau Tieu Tram, because it clearly reflects the constant growth and development.

Thanh Tam Tree

The Peace Lily is a feng shui plant that is loved by many people of the Wood element, thanks to its ability to bring peace and relaxation. With its smooth green leaves and gently drooping foliage, the Peace Lily helps improve mood and reduce stress. This plant is very suitable for placing in the living room or office, where it can maximize its use in creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.


The Wood element, symbolizing growth and development, will find satisfaction when choosing Thanh Tam as a companion, because it supports a more favorable career and life. When you do not know which tree is suitable for the Wood element, you should not ignore Thanh Tam tree with the ability to bring sophistication and elegance to your living environment.

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Peace Lily

Peace Lily with its pure beauty and pure white flowers, is the perfect choice for those who are looking for the answer to the question of which tree is suitable for the Wood element. Peace Lily brings sophistication to the living space as well as the ability to purify the air, remove toxic substances, creating a fresh living environment.


For people of the Wood element, the Peace Lily symbolizes peace and balance, helping them maintain a relaxed and peaceful state of mind. Placing the Peace Lily in the house will attract positive energy, helping the Wood element homeowner always feel comfortable and full of energy. For those who love gentleness and sophistication, the Peace Lily is the ideal choice, bringing luck and prosperity in life.

Lucky Bamboo

The Phong Loc Hoa tree is a unique ornamental plant, with brilliant flowers and bright colors, making an impressive highlight for any space. When wondering which tree is suitable for the Wood element, the Phong Loc Hoa tree is a suggestion worth considering. This tree attracts attention because of its eye-catching beauty and also has a good feng shui meaning, helping to increase positive energy and bring luck to the owner of the Wood element.


The Phong Loc Hoa tree can be grown in small pots, placed in the living room, desk or balcony, bringing freshness and strong vitality. For people of the Wood element, the Phong Loc Hoa tree also symbolizes constant effort and development, helping them overcome challenges and achieve success. With its bright colors and good meanings, the Phong Loc Hoa tree is a great choice for people of the Wood element.


Finally, on the list of plants that are suitable for the Wood element is the appearance of the Pothos plant. This is one of the ornamental plants that many people love, especially those with the Wood element. The Pothos plant is not only easy to care for but also has the ability to purify the air, absorb toxic substances, and bring a fresh living environment.


The Pothos plant symbolizes peace, luck and sustainable development, helping people with the Wood element maintain balance and stability in life. Placing the Pothos plant in the home or office will help create a cool green space, bringing a sense of relaxation and prosperity. For those who desire peace and luck, the Pothos plant is the ideal choice.


In short, “What plants are suitable for people with the Wood element?” is an important question when you want to bring prosperity and luck to your living space. With 13 types of ornamental plants introduced, each type brings positive feng shui meanings, helping people with the Wood element attract wealth and balance energy. Choose the right type of plant to create a green, peaceful and lucky living space.

See also:

What plants are suitable for people with the Metal element? Top 15 plants for the desk that are suitable for the Metal element to attract wealth

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