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Mệnh Hỏa hợp cây gì? 10 loại cây phong thủy cho người mệnh Hỏa

With strong, enthusiastic and energetic characteristics, the Fire element needs balance and harmony in life to maximize its potential. So what kind of plants are suitable for the Fire element to bring luck and prosperity? Choosing the right feng shui plant will help attract wealth and create harmony and peace for the living space. Let’s explore the 10 most suitable feng shui plants for people of the Fire element in this article to find the perfect choice for you.

Brief introduction to people of Fire element

Before discovering which plants are suitable for the Fire element, let’s briefly learn about people with the Fire element. Basically, people with the Fire element are likened to fire, always full of vitality and enthusiasm. In the Five Elements system including Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Fire represents creativity and passion, always burning with goals and ambitions.

People of the Fire element are usually strong and decisive. They stand out with their dynamic spirit and ability to bring positivity to those around them. Creative and open-minded, they are not afraid of challenges and are always looking for new things. However, their temperament is like fire, easily ignited but can also be hasty and difficult to control.


In terms of mutual generation and mutual inhibition, the Fire element is compatible with the Wood element. Wood provides the energy to nourish the fire, making the Fire even more powerful. On the contrary, the Fire element is suppressed by the Water element, because water can extinguish fire, symbolizing the restraint and limitation of the power of Fire.

The birth years of people with the Fire element are quite diverse, including years such as Giap Tuat, At Hoi, and Binh Than to Dinh Dau, Binh Dan, and Dinh Mao. Each of these birth years has its own characteristics of Fire in different environments, from Son Dau Hoa to Lu Trung Hoa and Thien Thuong Hoa.

What plants are suitable for people of the Fire element? Top 10 feng shui plants for people of the Fire element

Below is a list of the 10 most suitable feng shui plants for people with the Fire element that you can refer to:


The Aglaonema plant is also known as the longevity plant, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. The plant’s outstanding features are its large, long leaves, which come in three harmonious shades: pink, dark green and green. The pink color in the leaves not only adds to its beauty but also shows that it is compatible with people of the Fire element.


This color helps stimulate dynamism and enthusiasm, very suitable for decoration in the home or office. Those who belong to the Fire element can choose a lucky tree with many pink shades to increase prosperity, attract luck and fortune. If you are wondering what kind of tree is suitable for the Fire element, the lucky tree is an option not to be missed.


Next, the Anthurium is known as a symbol of luck and passionate love, and is an ideal choice for people of the Fire element. This plant has small leaves and is often grown indoors or placed on desks because of its compact size and ease of care. The red or pink color of the Anthurium is suitable for people of the Fire element, because this color supports enthusiasm and passion, characteristics of Fire.

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In addition, the Anthurium plant also symbolizes the sublimation of emotions, bringing inspiration and vitality to the grower. Therefore, when you are looking for a suitable plant for the Fire element, do not forget to think of the Anthurium plant as a companion in your living and working space.

Red velvet tree

If you are wondering what plants are suitable for the Fire element, the red velvet plant is an indispensable answer for those who want to improve their health and connection. More specifically, the red velvet plant stands out with the meaning of strong friendship and pure love, making it the perfect choice for people of the Fire element.


The red leaves of the plant not only attract attention but also suit the Fire element, symbolizing enthusiasm and passion. When displaying the red velvet plant in the house, people with the Fire element will see the surrounding relationships become more connected and warmer. Moreover, this plant also has the ability to absorb blue light from electronic devices, helping to protect the health of the grower.

Money tree

The money tree is a symbol of luck and prosperity, suitable for people of the Fire element who seek wealth and peace in life. The tree has small green leaves with pink edges, creating harmony and eye-catching, suitable for placing in living spaces such as bedrooms or desks. This plant is not only easy to care for but also adapts well to many environmental conditions, thereby making it an ideal choice for any space.


In particular, during the New Year, the money tree is also considered a meaningful gift that brings blessings to the recipient. Those who do not know what kind of tree is suitable for the Fire element will find the money tree a great addition, supporting the improvement of prosperity and luck in their lives.

White horse prince tree

The White Horse Prince plant is the perfect choice for people of the Fire element who want to advance in their career and improve their social relationships. This plant has dark green leaves and a pale, almost white trunk, creating an elegant and sophisticated beauty. The light green veins running across the leaf surface create balance and harmony.


People with the Fire element who plant the White Horse Prince tree will feel the convenience in their work, helping their work to go smoothly. In addition, this tree also helps strengthen relationships, promote cooperation and efficiency in work. So if you are looking for the answer to the question of which tree is suitable for the Fire element, the White Horse Prince tree is the choice not to be missed.


With its bright red branches and dark green leaves below, the poinsettia is a symbol of luck and success for people of the Fire element. The unique color combination of the plant not only creates a highlight for the living space but also supports the prosperity of the grower. This is a plant that is considered to bring luck, career advancement and many outstanding achievements.


People with the Fire element who plant Poinsettia will see their career and life go smoothly and achieve continuous success. In particular, the red color of the plant is also suitable for people with the Fire element, helping to enhance the dynamism and strength of the element. Poinsettia is not only a great feng shui choice but also the answer to the question of which plant is suitable for the Fire element, bringing luck and success.

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Green ivy

The Green Five-leafed Ivy with its dark green leaves and large bush structure, spreading evenly in all directions, is a great choice for people of the Fire element. This plant not only symbolizes luxury and nobility but also represents power and luck for the homeowner.


In addition, the Green Ngũ Gia Bì plant also has the ability to effectively purify the air, reduce radiation, making the living and working space more fresh and pleasant. With these characteristics, if you are looking for the answer to the question of which plants are suitable for the Fire element, the Green Ngũ Gia Bì plant is definitely one of the choices that cannot be ignored at the present time.

Money tree

With its small leaves arranged evenly around the stem, the money tree is a symbol of good luck and smart financial management. This plant is loved for the firmness and stability of its leaves and stem, symbolizing the ability to maintain and grow wealth. The money tree also helps the owner think thoroughly and clearly about financial and work matters.


Especially suitable for people of the Fire element, this plant helps improve and enhance prosperity in all aspects of life. When you wonder what plants are suitable for the Fire element, the Money Tree with many advantages in terms of feng shui and economy, is definitely a worthy choice.

Areca palm

The Areca Palm, with its smooth and dense leaves, is the perfect choice for the workspace. This plant usually does not require much care and does not take up much space, making it suitable for placing on the desk. In particular, the Areca Palm is also believed to have the ability to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck in money, suitable for people of the Fire element.


For people of the Fire element, choosing feng shui plants is always a matter of concern. So if you are wondering what plants are suitable for the Fire element, the Areca Palm is the answer. This plant brings not only fortune but also peace and harmony in the working environment.

Money tree

Last on the list is the money tree. With dark green leaves that grow evenly around the trunk, this plant is a symbol of luck and prosperity in feng shui. Although this plant is suitable for people of the Wood element, thanks to the symbiotic relationship between Fire and Wood, people of the Fire element can also benefit from growing the Money Tree.


In addition, the money tree not only brings financial luck but also supports career development. To get the best results, you should keep the tree green, avoid wilting leaves and expose it to sunlight periodically. When buying a tree, choose healthy trees with evenly grown and dark leaves.

Some notes on how to choose the right tree for people of the Fire element

After knowing which plants are suitable for the Fire element, we will come to a few notes when choosing plants for people of the Fire element to bring more fortune and luck.

Color matching

People with the Fire element in Feng Shui often seek dynamism, passion and vitality, which is reflected in the color choices of plants around them. Color contributes to aesthetic beauty and has an impact on each person’s luck and mood.

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Red, purple and pink are colors that directly belong to the Fire element. They represent enthusiasm and energy, which is very suitable for this destiny. Choosing plants with such leaf or flower colors will help people of the Fire element to be more prosperous and flourish.


In addition, the colors of the Earth element such as orange, yellow or brown also support people of the Fire element very well. Yellow symbolizes wealth and prosperity and also brings a feeling of warmth and balance.

Green, the color of the Wood element, which generates Fire, is also a great choice. In addition, green not only brings freshness, but also helps increase concentration and creativity. Combining plants with suitable colors will help people with the Fire element attract wealth, luck and maintain a spirit full of vitality.

Therefore, when choosing ornamental plants, people with the Fire element should consider these colors to create harmony and maximize positive energy for themselves.

Planting direction suitable for people of Fire element

Besides the question of what kind of tree is suitable for people with the Fire element, the direction of planting trees suitable for people with the Fire element is also of interest to many people. Below are some suitable directions for planting trees for people with the Fire element:

South: This is the direction corresponding to the Fire element. Planting trees in the South direction helps to enhance the career and passion of people with the Fire element. In particular, the South direction attracts light and heat, which is suitable for the dynamic and enthusiastic nature of the Fire element.


East: East is the direction of the Wood element, according to the principle of the five elements, Wood generates Fire. Planting trees in this direction helps people with the Fire element improve their health and fortune. Wood also symbolizes growth and newness, which will support the career of people with the Fire element.

Southeast: In accordance with the principle of Wood generating Fire, the Southeast direction helps increase prosperity and attract wealth. Planting trees in this direction not only helps improve your career but also brings prosperity and luck in life.

Besides choosing the right direction, taking good care of the tree is also very important to ensure that the tree is always green and grows strongly, thereby helping to increase positive energy for people of the Fire element.


At the end of the article on the topic of what plants are suitable for the Fire element, we have learned about the most suitable plants for people of the Fire element to enhance their career, fortune and health. Hopefully, this knowledge will help you choose the right feng shui plants, contributing to a harmonious living space, promoting positive energy and improving the quality of life.

See also:

What plants are suitable for people with the Metal element? Top 15 plants for the desk that are suitable for the Metal element to attract wealth

What plants are suitable for the Earth element? 12 types of plants suitable for the Earth element to attract wealth

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