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Ký sự gamer: Nét cỏ – Một bầu trời kỷ niệm

An internet cafe opens early in the morning.

A naughty young internet cafe

I went online and knew it was very long ago.

I got used to the internet in eighth grade.

That year was the year the restaurant had just opened.

You go out to play internet, I also leave home

Only know the restaurant is located in Thuy Loi

Still remember the way out

For some reason, when I was in 8th grade, the “League of Legends” fever covered every corner of the school. My class was no exception – where there were mischievous guys who loved to explore new things. The class had 18 boys, of which 15 started out, excluding me and two others (all good students). Even the girls were addicted to this “hot” game.

Gamer's diary: Grass - A sky of memories - Photo 1.

I probably wouldn’t have stepped into the Justice Arena if my best friend hadn’t played it. He played it, found it interesting, and asked me to play with him. But I said I still had to study. Seeing that, he immediately gave me a billion reasons that I found “extremely convincing”, from playing games to relieve stress, have fun after stressful study hours, helping me practice my alertness, decisiveness in making decisions, to “Do you consider me your best friend?”

I don’t want to play, but I can’t refuse. I’ll have to play.

– Oh, but my computer is “ancient”, how can I play? – I asked.

My friend smiled and replied:

– Go to the internet to play.

I refused. Seeing that, my friend said it was okay, just go, let’s go together for fun. After much persuasion, I finally agreed. But “where to play?”

– There’s a new internet cafe near my house. Want to try it out?

– Okay.

My friend and I sat down to discuss the plan. My friend’s parents were both civil servants so they weren’t home at noon. I told my mother that when school let out early, I would go to my friend’s house to teach. I must admit, he was both smart and well-behaved, and my mother believed him completely. How cool!

Gamer's diary: Grass - A sky of memories - Photo 2.

So, one hot afternoon, when everyone just wanted to get home quickly and enjoy the cool air conditioning, two students, in their red scarves, rode their bicycles to the internet cafe. He went ahead to show the way, I followed. After nearly five minutes of racing, the internet cafe appeared before our eyes. The place was quite small, the walls were painted green, and in front of the door hung a sign “Celebrating the opening, 50% discount”. Inside, there were only about 30 computers, the equipment could be considered okay. But never mind, why bother. Play quickly and get home in time. But if you want to play, you have to create an account first. Create one quickly, then go to “Newbie Guide”. After finishing, do a computer battle, and time is up.

Before leaving, my friend asked:

– See? From now on, whenever you get to go home early or have a day off from school, come out here and play.

– Ok goat.

From then on, my friend and I joined forces and entered League of Legends.

Guys, if you have ever been a “loyal customer” at a net cafe, besides the fun moments with friends, there are also unforgettable memories with the net cafe owner, right?

In the school days, you and I went online.

The owner yelled when he saw me from afar.

When the owner yelled, do you remember?

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The owner often calls me into the internet cafe.

The owner’s voice is so familiar.

School ended early, went out to play internet and didn’t come home.

I live in the owner’s house, the owner teaches me how to play.

Teach me how to build items, teach me how to play

Many games think the owner is hard-working

“You there! Be careful for me!”

What do you mean by not sixteen yet?

Gamer's diary: Grass - A sky of memories - Photo 3.

At first, we usually went to the internet twice a week (because the school let us go home two days early). But later, when we had more time, we decided to go early to play games during extra classes at school, so we went to the internet more often, about six or seven times a week. When we came often, the shop owner started to talk to us, because we often sat at the two computers at the far end, right next to his desk. At first, we were shy, just saying a few words and then staying quiet, but later we got used to it, many days we played and laughed and talked the whole time. After about a month, we became close to each other. Every time we came, he smiled and said, “Come here and play, guys.”

– If I don’t go to the bar, who else will I go to? – I replied, like a common saying when I arrived.

One day it rained, but we still came. Looking at us like drowned rats, he exclaimed:

– Is it wet?

Having said that, he immediately went to get a fan to dry us quickly.

– I’m quite free today, let me watch you guys play.

At this time, he just knew I was learning to play. He said he could tell right away that I was an apprentice, he played League of Legends, he could teach me anything.

– If you say so, how can I refuse?

So whenever he had free time, he taught me how to play. He said that at first, I should choose easy-to-play champions like Garen, Ashe, Master Yi. When it comes to equipment, don’t be too restrictive or imposing, build equipment according to each situation, and “know how to be creative but not a joke”.

Gamer's diary: Grass - A sky of memories - Photo 4.

Regarding the gameplay, he taught me how to build items depending on each match, what items to build if I win or lose, when to roam, when to push the tower, when to recall, when to farm minions. But it seems like his knowledge is quite profound, so for a new player like me, it’s quite difficult to swallow. I usually build items according to my preferences: Ahri with BF Sword to hit hard, Ashe with Electric Knife, Hurricane Bow, Cannon, Nashor’s Tooth to shoot fast, Yi with full AP max W to heal extremely well. So I don’t know how many times he scolded me for building stupid items, I don’t know how many times he sighed because I fed.

The most memorable was the fifth match I played Master Yi. Full AP, max W, missed farming, stupid tower diving, and 0/16. I laughed, he looked at me bored, my friend looked at me bored. It seemed he knew what my problem was, so from the following sessions, he only focused on teaching me a specific part, “one job done well is better than nine jobs”. My friend also showed me the details, meticulously. With the right teaching method, his enthusiasm, my friend’s, along with my natural intelligence, I improved more and more. After nearly 4 months of playing, I climbed to Silver rank, the same rank as my best friend. On the first semester final day, I was able to go home two and a half hours earlier than usual. When I arrived at his shop, I immediately ordered three bowls of spicy and sour instant noodles with poached eggs and sausages and three bottles of Sting – the standard “premium” combo for net grass. He was surprised and asked me:

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– Do you have a new friend to play with today? Why did you two order three portions?

– You just do it.

When he brought it out, I gave him the money and said:

– These two places are ours, and one is yours. Thank you for teaching me to be who I am today.

He laughed.

– You brat… Okay, I’ll take it. Good thing I haven’t had breakfast yet.

Gamer's diary: Grass - A sky of memories - Photo 5.

Legendary internet cafe combo

Perhaps from then on, we became a family. When we were happy, being together was normal. And when we were in trouble, we still wholeheartedly shared and helped each other. I thought this was like the love between siblings.

The year my parents turned to dust

I was rich and suddenly became poor.

Boss help me think of a plan

Still steadfast, the owner told me firmly:

“You just play, your friend will pay.”

If you are in a tight spot, don’t worry, I’ll let you pay on credit.

I believe you will pay me”

At that time, our country was in an economic recession. Small businesses like ours faced many difficulties. We spent a lot of money but earned little, forcing my family to spend frugally. If I usually had 50 thousand in pocket money every week, now I didn’t have a single cent. My internet account had more than 10 hours left but it was gradually running out. An internal struggle took place in me: “Play or quit?”. If I played, where would I get the money? I was only an 8th grader at that time, I couldn’t work yet, and if I did work, my parents definitely wouldn’t let me. But if I quit gaming, it would be no different from quitting my brother, quitting my friend. We were so close, I couldn’t bear to leave. After thinking for a long time, I decided to confide in my friend, my brother. Hearing that, he asked my friend how much pocket money he had a week. But it was only fifty thousand. He said:

– Now, can you try to get a little more money? Like telling mom that I’m asking for money to buy books, or that the school is organizing a charity program. You guys should discuss it among yourselves. If you’re really desperate, I’ll let you owe me, but not more than two hundred, no interest, so don’t worry.

I heard and immediately refused:

– Bro, I don’t know when I’ll have money. Besides, you’re in business. If you lend me money, wouldn’t you be risking losing money yourself?

He smiled and said:

– I don’t see you much, it’s true that it would be dangerous if you defaulted. But I know you’re not that kind of person, you’re a good person. I believe you’ll pay me back.

After saying that, he turned to the server and charged my account fifty thousand.

– Why did you charge me?

– Thirty thousand is for the noodles with Sting last time. Honestly, I’m still quite shy about that, taking from a kid doesn’t sound right at all. And I’m not that poor that I need you to give me this and that. I’ll return the bowl of noodles and the bottle of water to you now. The remaining twenty thousand is my affection for you. If you’re shy, I’ll give your friend another twenty, consider it a Tet gift.

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Gamer's diary: Grass - A sky of memories - Photo 6.

I choked up, only able to say thank you. It is true that when we have everything, we think that what we have is normal, we crave for something new. But when we are in trouble, we learn to appreciate those things that we consider normal. Maybe, or not maybe anymore, we are a family. A real family.

Whenever possible, we go to his shop together. Rain or shine, noon or afternoon, before school or early dismissal, we go to his shop. And if we come at “unusual” times, we just call him in advance so he can prepare. Even when there are many customers, he still tries to leave two seats where we usually sit. When I asked him why he keeps leaving seats when the place is full, he said that when he meets us, he feels extremely special, so special that he doesn’t need anyone else to sit in our place, even if that person plays all day long if he knows we’re coming. He treats us like his own siblings:

Then early morning and evening the main computer turned on.

Two computers, the boss is always waiting

Two computers, a permanent base…

Time passed quickly, and the day came when I had to go to school far away, say goodbye to your shop, and leave. But from then until now, the beautiful memories in me have never faded.

Looking back on life through all the ups and downs

Almost ten years, until now

I still remember the time when I went online

Turn on the computer and go into combat

Turn on the once fierce war

Turn on the kindness to share joy

Brings back childhood memories

Oh weird and cool – internet cafe!

Gamer's diary: Grass - A sky of memories - Photo 7.

Those were the early school days, my friends and I would rush to the internet, playing a game together. Those were the bloody battles of mouse and keyboard. Those were the times when money was running out, my friends helped me, we worked together to overcome the difficult times. Those were the wins, I was happy, my friends were happy, he praised me. Those were the losses, he pointed out our shortcomings so we could learn from them. And that was also the whole sky of memories, my youthful days. All of those things converged in one place, a place and I kept thinking that this was just a place of business, not a place for human emotions to be expressed. This place was called, with only two words: NET SHOP.

Now I am studying abroad. I play in heavy cyber games, no longer play in small net shops. The computer I play on now has a curved screen, mechanical keyboard, high-end mouse, powerful configuration, no longer a small computer. Now I have many friends to play with, not just my best friend from years ago. But even so, I will never forget that net shop where I had you and my friend.

Now I’m studying abroad. There are hundreds of cyber ways.

Good machine, hundreds of houses, good friends

But never forget to remind:

– Have you been to my shop all day?

-Detun Rest-

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